This is a weapons demonstration before the King and Queen.
They are "Cut, Thrust, and Run." Yes, one of the guys is named "And". There are four of them. They are a comedic sword-fighting group.
Brian decided to battle the knights.
This is the troll king.
This is Dr. Kaboom. He is a new act this year. Usually the Mud Show is there, but they weren't this year. Dr. Kaboom usually is in the Mud Show. Although we missed the Mud Show, Dr. Kaboom was hilarious and we actually learned some science too. All of the acts take up donations/tips whenever they are gone. He jokingly suggested giving him 20's. Barbara took 2 dimes up to him and said, "Here's twenty." As you can see from the picture, he got a big kick out of the joke.
I like this one that Brian took of Scott and Barbara.
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